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Tuesday, November 4

New Family Member!

Is our new dog she is a pekineses, we got her two days ago from my cosine Erin. Tink is the perfect size for condo and she will not grow anymore then she is. she was the runt of the littler she is almost two and is so much fun and so cute she has no vocal cords so it sounds like a cough when she barks. she is so cute.


Julie Miller said...

Colby would have fun with Tinker Bell! He likes to pretend he his Peter Pan and catches Tinker Bell!

tyandmichellecall said...

Does she sleep in your bed? I think this is a better size than the last one! Very cute. Can't wait to meet her.

Unknown said...

Lizzie thinks she is so cute. Our kids are very excited to meet her next week. I'm excited for you guys to come!!