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Tuesday, October 7

The Olsen's Latest

We have not posted for a long time, so here is the news... Scott And I have been busy working and schooling, which is always fun, even though it is tuff going sometimes. Well Scott's brother, Ryan has been home for just over a month now from his mission, so Scott is loving having someone to quote movie lines with. It's also nice for him to have one sibling around, that is when he comes up from BYU for the weekend.
I got our Halloween decorations out and I realized that I actually have a place to decorate! When we lived at the Village it was hard to hang stuff up because of the beautiful warm cinderblock walls! But now I finally get to make it look nice and not cluttered. Its great! Well, as you can see, there is not much going on in our lives; no babies, no nothing. Just two young kids madly in love getting through life.

OK now for some pics. We took pictures with my family and here are a few of the better ones. They are great! Love you all! And we wish you all the best! We even had Pat and Katie here for the pictures, as well as Jackie and the kids. We loved having them here and we miss them so much. We hope to see them all soon!


janae said...

cute family pics:) It was fun seeing you guys on sunday. I love our monthly dinners!

tyandmichellecall said...

I like the new blog. Very cute. You guys look great in the picts. Just enjoy the time you have with each other. It's not nothing, it's a whole lot of wonderful!

Julie Miller said...

Yea, for updates and pictures!!! You guys are great! We miss you and can't wait for you to come out and visit us so we can hang out too! (hint, hint)!!!