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Sunday, July 27

Were Alive!

Here are a few things we have been up to. First of all we have been at Ma&Pa Olsen's doing yard work and the front yard is done! (Ignore the brown on the grass, it is coming back, slowly.) Second, Mikey and Netty had baby Allie! She is so cute! We had pics of us holding her but they got erased, so the next best thing was her being held by her parents. The next Tate's out of it smile when he and Jackson slept over. He was smiling trying to stay awake. Last but not least, yes its short but we love it! Crissy was daring and did a hair style she has never tried before. Well there is the update and as we do the back yard and start school we will post agian.


tyandmichellecall said...

Cute hair Chrissy! brave move, but you pulled it off well! And nice job on the yard. It looks great. E-mail that to mom and dad. They'll like to see that.

Grandmakicki said...

I do love your hair. It is great to see you at work also.

Julie Miller said...

Crissy, Looking good! Chung, good work at Mom and Dad's! Glad to see what you have been up to!