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Wednesday, April 23

Sleepover Time

Here ar a few pictures of our sleep-over with our nephew, Jackson. We built this sports fort. He made sure he had everything in it, especially some pictures of his mom, dad, Tate, grandma and grandpa. He sure loves his family! We asked him "Why do you want the pictures in here", he said "I need to, because when i wake up they will be here waiting to smile at me!" We thought that was way cute! He is so smart. He had his car shop in his fort with a baseball clock as well as glow in the dark stars that he helped "Uncle Scott" put up. We had a blast. We hope we can have him over again sometime!


The Horns said...

sounds like you had a lot of fun soon you will have one more to help with the fort for a sleep over....

tyandmichellecall said...

That fort looks very familiar, like one that may have been erected in our living room in Houston! Hmmm, very suspicious!

Steve & Paula Leishman said...

I agree with Michelle, looks very familiar. I guess good things never die!! I'm just wondering if there was a panda somewhere?

Geri R said...

Looks like fun. You must be the favorite aunt and uncle