Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, April 10


This Monday, April 14, will be our two year anniversary!  And to celebrate we are going to the Anniversary Inn up in Logan this weekend to blast off for monday! We will be staying in the Lost in Space Room, totally suite! The Swiss Family Robinson Room will be a far off adventure the following night! We can't believe it has been two years! Thanks for all the love, support, and advice! We love ya'll. 
The Olsen Clan, part II


Jeff, Erin, Macy, Owen& June said...

Wow I can't believe it has been two years already! Congrates! Also I am really excited for the two of you and your new place! It is so nice to have a place that feels like home!

Julie Miller said...

Yea for your updated blog! Happy Anniversary! It looks like you guys don't tell me everything! We need to talk!

tyandmichellecall said...

Finally an update. Nicely done. Congrats on the anniversary.

marianne said...

Yay! You finally posted! It's good to see more pics of you cute kids. I can't believe you have been married for 2 years! Congratulations!

Love ya,
Marianne(Sister Duke) he he

The Horns said...

hey sis well at least you two have a place to call home, its cute and will fit you two for a while. it is weired my little sis married and two years at that. have fun love you both......

Steve & Paula Leishman said...

FINALLY!! I have begun to think you forgot how to blog! Congratulations on the anniversary. We spent our first anniversary at the anniversary inn in Logan, too! So fun!!