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Sunday, September 9

Utes Need Help!

We love the UTES but for crying out loud they need some creaive help on the offence, instead of using the same three plays! Pluse Mountain West refs are the BEST in the NCAA! NOT! We won't give up hope or stop going to the games, but I hope they get more exciting than last nght! Air Force was about as creative as Utah! Not a very exciting game. These pics are mostly of the jumpers at half time and the flag before the game. Have a great week all and GO UTES! Please!


Julie Miller said...

Do you know how long it has been since I have been to a football game? Me neither. I can't remeber the last one I went to! So sad! Go Utes!

tyandmichellecall said...

I must ditto Julie's senitments. I don't speak sports except, GO UTES!!

Steve & Paula Leishman said...

I LOVE FOOTBALL!!! Go Falcons!! Just kidding, we have to have a little bit of loyalty to the AFA, but not when they play Utah. We have tickets for tonights game vs. TCU, but we only have four, we are going to see if Liz can pass as two!??