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Wednesday, September 26

Deer X-ing!

We live in the wild right outside our bedroom window a big group of deer are having a get together.


tyandmichellecall said...

Just be thankful that you don't have a tomatoe garden. Apparently they love tomatoe bushes and remember where to return every night. They also enjoy tulips, sunflowers, green baby pumpkins, apples... must I go on?? It's too sad of a story. I'll stop now.

Julie Miller said...

Oh DEER! I hope they all made it across the street safely! I thought seeing deer in the middle of Boston was weird. This comes pretty close!

marianne said...

Chrissy! Holy cow, it's a small world. This is your favorite Young Women leader from the Northpoint ward. Yes, Sister Duke! A friend of mine from high school asked me to make a blog to create an online highschool yearbook. Anyway, to make a long story short, I was navigating through all of my old friend's blogs, and came across a Zumwalt page. I thought, hmmmmm, I wonder if they are related to Chrissy. And then, I saw a link to your blog on the page! Fun pics! How are you? My blog address is www.dukecrew.blogspot.com. It would be great to hear from you!